St. Thomas Dinh Viet Du, 1783-1839, martyr
St. Dominic Nguyen Van Xuyen, 1786-1839, martyr

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:

Daniel 7:2-14
Daniel 3:75-81
Luke 21:29-33

A reflection on the Scripture:

Here in the northeastern part of the United States, winter approaches early. The days get shorter the temperature starts to tumble down each month. Everything seems to go from life to lifeless, green to brown; the aroma of sweet flowers and alfalfa changes to an earthy smell of dead leaves and grass.

Yet the first snow seems to bring a sense of purification to the earth. There also seems to be a new life germinating under the white blanket of the fresh snow. This process brings hope of a new springtime that lies ahead. All of nature lies dormant waiting for that day and time when the sun and its warmth will draw forth life. When that day arrives everything of nature explodes with praise to its maker. Life rises again with sweet smells of greenery.

In all this are we not more pleasing in Gods eyes? Heaven so close to the touch; but can we see? Even the fig tree can't contain itself to a dormant life. It knows that if it is to bare fruit, it must blossom. God's heavenly symphony is playing all around us. Why do we hesitate to enter into the song?

- Thomas Michael Kalamas