St. Andrew Dung-Lac, priest, martyr and his companions, martyrs

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:

Daniel 2:31-45
Daniel 3:57-61
Luke 21:5-

A reflection on today's Scripture:

In Luke's gospel Jesus tells us that we will be persecuted for our faith. We will have to testify to the truth, and some of us will even be put to death for our faith. Jesus reassures us that not a hair on our head will be lost, and we are not to worry about what we are to say. The Holy Spirit will speak through us with wisdom and power so that no one may refute the truth that we speak.

I am sure that all of us have experienced situations and opportunities where Jesus' teaching has been tested. It is many times difficult to stand up for our faith and for what is right. Do we risk causing a scene, a spectacle? Do we risk being rejected and/or branded as being fanatical? Do we risk losing friends or causing dissension in our family?

Jesus challenges us to get our priorities straight, to testify to our faith and love for God. It is certainly not easy, but our decision and actions can give us a good indication of where we are in our faith journey. We must constantly pray for God's grace, strength and Holy Spirit to help us, enlighten us, and support us in our struggle against the world.

In fact, a great way to start our day is to pray for God's grace and Holy Spirit to lead and guide us through each day, that we may fulfill His most Divine Will.

- Steve Shawl