St. Martin of Tours, bishop

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:

Wisdom 7:22--8:1
Psalm 119:89-91,130,135,175
Luke 17:20-25

A reflection on today's Scripture:

When the Pharisees asked Jesus when the reign of God will arrive, Jesus replied that we can not know when the time will come, but that we will long for the Son of Man to arrive. How prepared then are we for Jesus arrival?

To illustrate, let's look at a chef preparing a meal for a special occasion. The chef gathers the ingredients, measures each ingredient, and then comes up with a well-prepared meal that delights the guests. Likewise, what are some ingredients within ourselves that need to be analyzed? Do any need to be weeded out? Do we also have qualities that can be strengthened even further? Let us then be well-prepared for Jesus' arrival by shaping and molding ourselves to God's approval.

In the book of Wisdom, a description of God is found in so many words: loving, kind, holy and pure, to name a few. And there is also not a single person that God doesn't love. How comforting and secure it is then, that we are always in the presence of an all-loving God, of whom we can forever be thankful and grateful.

Dear Lord,
we eagerly await your coming;
have mercy on us all and pour forth your blessing.

- Steve Green