All Souls

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:

Wisdom 3:1-9
Psalm 27:1,4,7-9,13-14
Luke 14:25-53

A reflection on today's Scripture:

Today our Church gives us the beautiful feast of All Souls, a time to pray for our beloved dead.

To believe that our prayers for the dead are efficacious and can release the dead from the temporal punishment due their sins, is a most comforting thought. More than just comforting, it is the teaching of our Church that we should pray for the dead. Through our prayers and sacrifices for them, we unite ourselves with the suffering Christ whose Blood has ransomed us all.

Isn't that so like our God? He isn't "tight-fisted", hoarding forgiveness, but allows others to share in the great work of redemption. When we pray and sacrifice in union with the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, His generous hands open, pouring forth His magnanimous merciful love.

Let us then sing in praise to our God for allowing us to participate in the salvific act of Christ. Let us not waste the graces of this day, but pledge to live it in holiness so that God might be pleased and so release the souls of our beloved into the bosom of His Eternal Love.

Holy Lord we praise and honor You! You grant us the grace of praying for our beloved dead. Confident that You always hear and answer our prayers, we beg You through the merits of Your Beloved Son, Jesus, that all for whom we pray, may this day join You in paradise and sing the unending hymn to Your glory.

All Glory to our God!
Forever and ever,
and ever
and ever
and ever....


- Donna Raye Nelson, OCDS