St. Callistus I, pope, martyr

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:

Romans 3:21-29
Psalm 130:1-6
Luke 11:47-54

A reflection on today's Scripture:

When we put our faith in God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God accepts us all. The ever-gracious God is patient and forgiving. God loves all, gentile and Jews. Although as undeserving sinners, we have fallen short of God's glory. The law of Moses is made complete with the law of faith. Hard work alone without faith accomplishes nothing. It is faith in God, all that God preaches through Jesus and disciples, and our daily implementation of the message that is our salvation.

Hypocrisy shows in the actions of the lawyers who took away the law of knowledge from the law of Moses. Our lives, our actions, are to be based on what Jesus preached and taught. Being the perfect role model, Jesus set examples for us all to follow. May what we say and do, honestly reflect our true feelings; for then we avoid deceiving ourselves and dishonoring God.

Dear Lord Jesus,
teach us to put You before ourselves.
Let us be ever mindful of Your love for us,
and that we may show that love to others.

- Steve Green