
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:

1 Maccabees 2:15-29
Psalm 50:1-2,5-6,14-15
Luke 19:41-44

A reflection on today's Scripture:

We learn in today's Gospel that the Sadducees denied there is a resurrection. This seems strange, for surely they believed humanity was created by the eternal God in His image to share in His life, live blessedly in His love and truth. Could they not see that their disbelief in the resurrection negates God's justice, turns His promises into dust?

Surely Sadducees recognized the human preponderance for sin, the misery it can cause both its perpetrators and its victims. If people were limited to an earthly existence, it implies our Creator has condemned us to a cruel joke; for then there would be no retribution for deliberate, unrepenting sinners. The immoral or rich could experience pleasure and abundance at the expense of those they'd exploited without having to answer for their greed, lust or viciousness. Likewise, those loving God but living in pain or hardship could not be consoled by the hope of a heavenly reward.

Disbelief in the resurrection denies sin, our need for new life, salvation, which depends upon humanity seeing and accepting their filial relationship with God and learning to live as our Father teaches us through Christ Who is the embodiment of His truth, love and justice. The grave is not our destiny; we await a new, resurrected life, eternal union with God.

Merciful Lord,
strengthen us in
and love.

- Marie L. Bocko OCDS