Arrogant Authority

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:

Malachi 1:14--2:2,8-10
Psalm 131:1-3
1 Thessalonians 2:7-9,13
Matthew 23:1-12

A reflection on today's Scripture:

Jesus tells the people that the Pharisees have a righteous power. They sit on the seat of Moses. They may have usurped this authority, it may not be due them. However, God has let it be, and therefore they should be listened to as legitimate sources of authority.

In the same way, we may occasionally have to subdue our own opinions about the ways things should be to the legitimate secular or religious authorities. However, Jesus cautions that we should not practice what we see them doing. Certainly many of us can think of recent examples of having to obey the rule of law but not desiring to follow or to allow our children to follow the examples of persons in high places.

But Jesus points out that to defy this authority is prideful, and in many ways worse than the arrogant authority. We can assume that what the Pharisees taught was, in fact, good teaching. It was what they practiced that was full of pride. To presume to know better and to not be guided by legitimate leaders would make us fools. But to copy their actions would make us worse--felons.

Often I find myself in the position of questioning a teaching or a rule or a thought, and then by the grace of God I am reminded that I am far less than two thousand years of apostolic succession. The legitimate authority of the Holy Mother Church must be held in highest regard, and when it comes to the point of disagreement, we need to peer deeply into our own hearts and see where we deviate.

- JuandelaCruz TOC