God's Heart

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:

Romans 11:1-2,11-12,25-29
Psalm 94:12-15,17-18
Luke 14:1,7-11

A reflection on today's Scripture:

Today's readings help us gain insights into God's heart--His wisdom and loving mercy.

St. Paul tells the Roman converts that God, in His goodness, uses the "transgression" of the Israelites to the Gentiles' advantage. The Jews' sin was unrepentance caused by pride and lack of intimacy with God, rendering them unable to recognize and accept Jesus as their long-awaited Messiah.

However, we also learn that despite Israel's repeated infidelities toward God, He has not rejected His chosen people; for "the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable." Indeed, He habitually set aside for Himself a "remnant," those remaining open and obedient to His grace; these were able to recognize Jesus as coming from Him. God's promise, St. Paul states, is that once the "full number of Gentiles comes in" to His kingdom, then "all Israel will be saved."

Jesus' parable was directed at those of the religious elite blinded by pride, the Pharisees with whom He was dining. It appears there was much vying between them for the foremost positions at table, each thinking himself more important than the other. Jesus points to the folly of their behavior, the embarrassment they will suffer on the day when they see themselves as God sees them.

Ignorance of God, blind pride and unrepentance still remain civilization's greatest threats.

Blessed Lord,
deliver us from the attitudes
that bring evil upon us all. Amen

- Marie L. Bocko OCDS