Salomon and Jonah

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:

Romans 1:1-7
Psalm 98:1-4
Luke 11:29-32

A reflection on today's Scripture:

Jesus contrasts himself with two persons from the Old Testament: Solomon and Jonah. He points out particular roles that they played in the unfolding of the Old Covenant. Solomon was a king who ruled with great wisdom, who drew people to himself because of his insight. Jonah was a prophet who was unwilling to preach to those to whom he was sent, who in fact was angered by the Ninevites' conversion.

Jesus points out to those pressing around him that He is greater than these two. His words, then, are more than mere advice for daily living, or reproach for our short comings. Jesus' words point to the bare fact that He Himself is the One whom we either accept or reject in our lives. Jesus is the Word of God made flesh.

The Word of God is Good News. The gospel is the news that Paul had been called to proclaim as an apostle. This Good News is what he so forcefully preaches in his letter to the Romans, from which we will hear for the next four weeks. This Good News is the news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Our acceptance of the gospel means that in all things, if we are to become like Christ, we must expect and accept that we will suffer for the sake of righteousness, but that we will at the same time share in glory of Christ Risen, and that in all this we will do so for God's sake alone.

+++ Father Thomas Hoisington