Relationship with God and one another

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:

Joel 4:12-21
Psalm 97:1-2,5-6,11-12
Luke 11:27-28

A reflection on today's Scripture:

Let all the just rejoice in the Lord, praising always, his holy name. (Psalm 97)

Mentioning sin in church has become as unpopular as it is on the streets. We prefer anesthetizing consciences with positive thoughts, exalted self-images; we naively think a loving God unconditionally forgives all "mistakes."

Today's readings illustrate the error of such thinking; for God, being love, demands we live by the moral precepts His love implies. Our actions have consequences affecting our relationship with God and one another; they can unite or tear apart, cause suffering or joy here and in eternity.

God created us to receive and to give love. Love entails responsibilities to our Creator and one another. God cannot overlook repeated, willful, unrepented injustices, crimes, lies, cheating, violence, unforgiveness and faithlessness. Were He to ignore such destructive behavior, He would not be holy, loving or just. We dishonor God twice whenever we sin and "make light of it."

Jesus who died to expiate sin offers us the one solution to humanity's plight: "...blessed are those who hear God's word and keep it." Is God expecting the impossible? No! By simply asking, we can receive grace from Christ's Spirit enabling us to conform our wills to God's, be made fit citizens of both earth and heaven.

Blessed Lord,
teach us that peace
comes from loving one another
as You have loved us. Amen.

- Marie L. Bocko OCDS