Since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be? - 2 Peter 3:11

An American tourist traveled to Poland to visit with a respected religious teacher who was known for his wisdom. The visitor noticed that the man's room had nothing but a table, a chair, and some books. Puzzled by such austerity, he asked, "Where is your furniture?" The teacher answered, "My furniture? Where is your furniture, my friend?" The American protested, "Furniture? But I am only a tourist passing through." "So am I," said the man.

And so are all of us.

Because it's true that we're just passing through this world, we need to learn to loosen our grip on our earthly possessions. This declaration from Jesus should help us: "One's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses" (Luke 12:15). Rather than acquiring and holding tightly to earthly things, we should be obeying this directive given by our Savior: "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven" (Matthew 6:19-20).

If you're overly concerned about your car, house, clothes, or bank account, ask God to help you learn what it means to lay up treasures in the world to come.


Take my silver and my gold,
Not a mite would I withhold;
Take my intellect and use
Every power as Thou shalt choose.


Hold tightly what is eternal; hold lightly what is temporal.