By faith Abraham . . . offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son. - Hebrews 11:17

The Senior PGA Tour, often called the "Second-Chance Tour," has given many long-time teaching pros a new golfing career after age 50. Sportswriter Jack Cavanaugh says, "In no other sport does an athlete who never made it to the world-class level in his prime get a second chance in middle age to prove himself and amass riches that he could only dream about in his 20s, 30s, or 40s."

Are you looking for a second chance? There's a widespread idea that if you once miss "God's best" you can never again render gold-medal service to Him. But in Hebrews 11, faith's "hall of fame," we read of several who failed yet came back strong for the Lord.

Abraham, often willful and impatient in waiting for the son God had promised, demonstrated amazing faith in offering up Isaac (vv.17-19). Jacob, the schemer who stole his brother's birthright and blessing, became a man of faith who blessed his children and worshiped God (v.21). Moses spent 40 years in Midian before leading God's people out of Egypt (vv.24-28).

Our previous mistakes do not necessarily exclude us from serving God. His best for us is that we turn away from our sin, learn from our failures, and begin anew to follow Christ. That's the way to be a second-chance champion.


Our Savior does not cast us off
Because we fail or turn aside;
He will forgive when we repent,
Then in His love we will abide.

-D. De Haan

Champions of faith are people who have learned from their failures.