Fall on us and hide us from . . . the wrath of the Lamb! - Revelation 6:16

Rocks don't usually get the benefit of human conversation. Not many people walk by and say, "Hi, Rock. How ya doin'? Get around much these days?"

The day is coming, however, when people will not only talk to rocks, they will cry out to them. It's described in Revelation 6, when the sixth seal of God's judgment is opened. During the first four judgments, the four horsemen of the apocalypse ride forth.

When the fifth seal is opened, the martyrs in heaven ask God how long until their deaths are avenged. When the sixth seal is broken, a mighty earthquake shakes the earth, and violent celestial disturbances involving the sun, moon, and stars take place (vv.12-13). World leaders and ordinary citizens cry out to the rocks and mountains, "Fall on us and hide us from . . . the wrath of the Lamb!" (v.16).

This passage is describing the future day of God's wrath when He will punish the nations for their wickedness. "Who is able to stand?" asks the writer (v.17). The answer: "No one."

God is compassionate and patient (Psalm 86:15; Romans 2:4). But one day His wrath will be unleashed with such fury that not even the rocks will be able to hide those who deserve His just punishment.


How To Avoid The Wrath Of God
Admit to God that you are a sinner (Romans 3:23).
Believe that Jesus died for you (1 Corinthians 15:3).
Call on the living Christ to save you (Romans 10:9).

To escape God's wrath, embrace God's love