Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. - 2 Corinthians 6:2

My daughter Julie was home from college and working at her summer job at RBC Ministries. One day as she was cutting the lawn with a riding mower she noticed some movement in the grass. Hopping down, she discovered a couple of baby rabbits scampering away from her noisy machine. She shooed them out of the path of her tractor to what she thought was sure safety, then out of the sky swooped a hawk. In a second he had one of the bunnies in his talons and was gone.

Julie felt bad. While she was helping the little guys avoid one danger, she had made them vulnerable to another. Despite her efforts, that bunny met his demise. As she told me about it, she said, "It made me think of my own mortality."

That's not something college students think much about. But they should, and so should all of us. Many people do not want to admit that life tomorrow is not guaranteed. We don't know if we'll live until tomorrow, or for 50 more years.

So, why think about this? Simply because we must be prepared to meet the Lord. The Bible says, "It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). If you have never done so, today by faith receive Christ as your Savior. Make sure you are ready.


Oh, why not turn while still you may;
Too late it soon will be -
A glorious life you can possess
Throughout eternity.


Death could come at any time-so we must be ready all the time