He who does these things shall never be moved. —Psalm 15:5

Recently the city of Hong Kong was blanketed with posters showing a single drop of water splashing into a pool. Each poster bore the words "Hong Kong Against Corruption." The message was clear—integrity or dishonesty permeates a city one person at a time.

It's easy to compromise in little things because they seem to make no difference in society at large. We think, "Why shouldn't I alter the truth, pad my expense reports, or use my employer's time for personal projects when everyone else is doing it? I'm just one drop in the bucket!" Exactly. And every drop helps determine the contents.

Psalm 15:1 asks, "Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle?" The answer in verses 2 through 5 describes a person of honor who enjoys intimate fellowship with God. Notice how the person of principle walks, works, and speaks—uprightly, righteously, truthfully (v.2). Observe that the individual of integrity refuses to backbite or take bribes (vv.3,5). Consider the stability of such a person: "He who does these things shall never be moved" (v.5).

What would it mean to our families, our neighborhoods, our cities if you and I lived with integrity according to God's guidelines? Let's do it! Every drop counts.


When we live with integrity,
We please our God above
And influence society
With truthfulness and love.


Integrity is Christlike character in workclothes.