The Word of our God stands forever. —Isaiah 40:8

Secrecy, lawsuits, and the latest technological advances are part of a news item some have called "the greatest achievement of the past 1,000 years." This isn't a recent story of spy satellites or computer programs. It's the story behind Johannes Gutenberg's first-ever printing press—in 1455!

Gutenberg had tried to keep his invention top secret until it was completed, but a lawsuit by heirs of one of his investors revealed what he was working on. His press was a technological marvel that would make possible the mass printing of literature.

When Gutenberg finished his press, the first book he printed was the Bible. That single event would eventually make the Bible by far the most widely distributed book in the world! Prior to 1455, it had been preserved by making meticulous one-at-a-time copies, but since then the Bible has been mass-produced.

Why has this one book attracted so much attention? Why was it Gutenberg's first choice? And why are millions still printed every year? It's simple—the Bible is a supernatural book, the written revelation of God to man. God has inspired and preserved it, and He continues to lead people to develop new ways to spread its remarkable message of salvation.

Thank You, Lord, for the press and the Bible!


Our history is marked by the filling of books
With what we have thought, said, and done;
But one Book, the Bible, reveals the true way—
It tells of the Savior, God's Son.


Many books can inform, but only the Bible can transform.