It is required in stewards that one be found faithful. —1 Corinthians 4:2

What activity, what confusion surrounds us day after day! And we ourselves are busily carrying out plans and projects. In the midst of all this, the Lord is also at work. He's building His church, extending His kingdom of grace and love, moving history to its God-honoring goal.

In all of His activity, the Lord is seeking to bring people into a love relationship with Himself. But love can't be mechanically coerced. It must be freely offered from the heart. God doesn't get people to love Him by proclaiming ear-splitting messages as if He were using a supernatural loudspeaker. He doesn't dispatch angels to astound unbelievers all around the globe. He doesn't fill the sky with spectacular signs.

The Lord wants the free trust and grateful love of men and women, boys and girls. So He works through believers as we obey the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and build our lives on a relationship with Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11-23). It's through your life and mine, through our dedicated talents, through our personal witness and united ministry that God is winning the trust and obedience of lost people everywhere.

What an honor to be God's co-laborers—and what a big responsibility to be faithful stewards! (1 Corinthians 4:2).


We know that millions haven't heard
About God's only Son,
So we must witness where we are
And tell them one by one.


We must go to sinners if we expect sinners to come to the Savior.