Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. - Proverbs 31:28

The bumper sticker states, "My wife says I never pay attention to what she says - or something like that." It's funny, I admit, but the more I think about it, the more I don't want to be that kind of a husband.

Far too many husbands have developed an attitude toward their wives of half-heartedly hearing what they say and not giving them the respect of 100-percent attention.

A husband who does this, or in any way shows disrespect, should consider how his words and deeds also affect his children. After all, he's not just speaking as a husband - he's speaking as a father who needs to teach his children to respect their mother.

In Proverbs 31, the writer mentions that the children of the virtuous woman will "rise up and call her blessed" (v.28). That kind of honor does not come easily. It comes to a mother who shows good character, but it also comes from children who have been taught by a trusting, loving father how important it is to show respect for Mom.

Husbands and fathers, renew your commitment to love and honor your wife by kind words, thoughtful actions, and respectful communication. Long after the flowers have died and the perfume is gone, that kind of present will continue to be appreciated. And your children will notice too.  


Husband, show your wife you love her;
Give her honor and respect;
Listen closely when she's speaking;
Acts of kindness don't neglect.  


A Christlike example is the greatest gift parents can give their children.