Everyone of us can find ourselves on the pages of the New Testament.
It is our photo album, our photography, the story of our lives.
I am the blind man wanting to see, needing to cry out, "Son of David, have pity on me."
I am the Prodigal Son far away from the Father longing for the pleasures of distant lands, yet longing for the comforts of home.
I am the Pharisee, the phony, seeking specks in my brother’s eye, and blind to the planks in my own.
Oh, yet, at time I’m the Good Samaritan, helping my brothers and sisters lying by the side of the road. But so many times I find myself as Pontius Pilate washing my hands of all responsibility.
I am the lost sheep, the lost coin, forgetting I’ve been branded, been stamped with the sign of the cross.
I must learn to read the letters of Paul and John as if they were addressed to me, put in my mailbox, so that I’ll begin to bear the other’s burdens, and discover that God is Love.
I must discover that the Messiah, the Christ, has entered my village, and today wants to eat at my house.

Andrew Costello