You will be His witness to all men of what you have seen and heard. - Acts 22:15

A talented young Christian artist painted a picture of a forlorn woman and child out in a storm. His portrayal moved his heart so deeply that he laid down his palette and brush, declaring, "I must go to the lost, instead of painting them."

He soon began working in the city slums and studying for the ministry. That young British artist was Alfred Robert Tucker (1849-1914), who served as a missionary in Uganda and eastern Africa for 20 years.

All of us must get out of the rut of just talking about missions and witnessing, but doing nothing about it.

Pastor Horace Bushnell (1802-1876) wrote: "The following are excused from giving or going: Those who believe the world is not lost and does not need a Savior. Those who wish the missionaries had never come to our ancestors, and that we ourselves were still heathens. Those who believe that it is 'every man for himself' in this world, and who, with Cain, ask, 'Am I my brother's keeper?' Those who believe they are not accountable to God for the money entrusted to them. And those who are prepared to accept the final sentence, 'Inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me' (Matthew 25:45)."

What are you doing for Christ?


Help me to see the tragic plight
Of souls far off in sin;
Help me to love, to pray, and go
To bring the wandering in. -


When The Lord says go, how can we say no?