The Lord preserves all who love Him. - Psalm 145:20

A young girl traveling on a train for the first time heard that it would have to cross several rivers. She was troubled and fearful as she thought of the water. But each time the train came near to a river, a bridge was always there to provide a safe way across.

After passing safely over several rivers and streams, the girl settled back in her seat with a sigh of relief. Then she turned to her mother and said, "I'm not worried anymore. Somebody has put bridges for us all the way!"

When we come to the deep rivers of trial and the streams of sorrow, we too will find that God in His grace "has put bridges for us all the way."  So we need not fall into hopelessness and anxiety. In delightful though often untraceable ways, He will provide for us and carry us through the difficulties to the other side. Even though we may not understand how He will meet our needs, we can be sure that He will provide a way. Those who have given their situations over to God can exclaim with the psalmist, "The Lord is righteous in all His ways, gracious in all His works. . . . The Lord preserves all who love Him" (Psalm 145:17,20).

Instead of worrying about what's ahead, we can trust the Lord to be there to care for us.


There's so much now I cannot see,
My eyesight's far too dim;
But come what may, I'll simply trust
And leave it all to Him.


Where God guides, He provides.