The Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer. —Psalm 6:9

During every morning worship service in a small church I attended, the congregation would share prayer requests. After each one, the pastor would say, "Lord, in Your mercy," and the people would respond, "Hear our prayer." One Sunday, a 4-year-old boy behind me became more intense after each request, until he finally shouted out, "Hear our prayer!" The little boy probably expressed what a lot of us were feeling that morning.

As Christians, we believe that God hears us when we pray not because we deserve it but because Christ has opened the way for us to talk directly to the Father. We often make our requests quietly and confidently, but there are times when we cannot help but cry out to God in heartbreak and anguish.

In Psalm 6 we can almost hear David's sobs as he pleaded with God for mercy, help, and healing. Yet, even though he was faced with difficult people and overwhelming circumstances, David affirmed his trust in God: "The Lord has heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer" (vv.8-9).

Today, in that mysterious blend of confidence and crying out, we can bring everything to our loving heavenly Father, saying, "Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer!"


God hears us when we call to Him,
Not one voice is ignored;
The sounds of praise, the pleas of pain
Are all heard by the Lord.


In prayer, God hears more than just words—He listens to your heart.