Helpful Comparisons

While traveling to speak at a Bible conference in Malaysia, I had to fly nonstop for 20 hours. Some sympathetic friends made remarks like this: "My, that must have been tiring!" I couldn't encourage their well-meant comments, however. During the flight I had been thinking about the hardships of the pilgrims as they sailed to America on the Mayflower, and I could find no reason to complain.

Sometimes it's good to compare our situation with that of others. This is especially true when we think we are too tired to put forth that extra effort in serving the Lord. Consider the apostle Paul, for example. He worked "night and day" at tentmaking to support himself so he could preach the gospel to the Thessalonians (1 Thessalonians 2:9).

Today, many youth workers give their all to run successful camping programs. Missionaries undergo hardships to evangelize the world. Busy mothers sacrifice to help in vacation Bible schools. Of course, we must maintain a balance between work and rest. But when we put forth that extra effort for God, we will at times become very tired. We may even get so weary that our bedtime prayer will be, "Lord, I'm exhausted. Amen." I think God will smile approvingly and give us a good night's rest.


Work, for the night is coming,
Work through the sunny noon;
Fill brightest hours with labor—
Rest comes sure and soon.


When the going gets too easy, you may be going downhill.