[Paul] said, "I am not mad, most noble Festus, but speak the words of truth and reason." —Acts 26:25    

In his book What Ever Became Of Sin? Karl Menninger writes, "On a sunny day in September 1972, a stern-faced, plainly dressed man could be seen standing still on a street corner in the busy Chicago Loop. As pedestrians hurried by on their way to lunch or business, he would solemnly lift his right arm, point to the person nearest him, and intone loudly the single word, 'Guilty!' Then, without any change of expression, he would resume his stiff stance for a few moments before repeating the gesture.

" The effect of this action on passing strangers was almost eerie. They would stare at their accuser, hesitate momentarily, turn away, look at him again, then hurriedly move on.

If that man was crazy, as many thought, he was a madman telling the truth. Everyone he pointed to was guilty! Sin is universal (Isaiah 53:6; Romans 3:23). The worst kind of insanity is to deny one's guilt while living in sin and unbelief.

Festus, the Roman governor of Judea, accused the apostle Paul of being mad (Acts 26:24). But it was Festus who was out of touch with reality, for he rejected God's truth.

What about you? Have you acknowleged your guilt before God and turned in faith to Jesus as your Savior and Lord? It's madness not to.


How To Be Forgiven
Admit that you are guilty of sin. Believe that Jesus died on the cross for you and rose from the dead. In faith, ask the Lord Jesus Christ to save you.

To deny one's guilt and reject Christ is the worst kind of insanity.