Perpetual Commitment to the La Salle Sisters Congregration, LS.S


August 16, 2003
Reverend Nguyễn Thanh Lương, Bishop of The Vietnamese Community in Orange County
Presides the Final Vows for Sister Maria Ca, LS.S
and the First Vows for Sisters Cecilia Quynh&Mattha Vui, LS.S
at Saint Patrick Church, San Jose

Magnificat Thu Hien and Mutien-Marie Thu Hong
November 24, 2002


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Perpetual Vows = Cecilia Le-Anh and Theresa Anh-Loan
First Vows =  Thuy-Van-Nhi

September 8, 2001

First Vows


Agatha Thu and Marie Suong
August 5th, 2000


Theresa Tạ Thị Thoa and Theresa Maria Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà
August 29, 1999