Necessity of a creative spirit


On the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the National Congress, the president, the lawyer NGUYEN HUU THO, exposed his opinion remarking the people committee of all levels was not only weak but they seemed to be a puppet government , or more precise, such a democratic form no more no less : “ what made us heartbroken during years before, that  we always  kept  “ the form of Name not of Fact”. Our   biggest fault  is the lack of real democracy. Lots of suitable aspirations  of the people were not realized yet and the people did not choose really his responsible in accord with his confidence”[1] . He particularly affirmed that the “Democrcy’ was not a gift so that the people  could show the hands to beg it from he government but it was a legal right and to get it, we had to fight on.

            The same, at the meeting of the old students of  Taberd ( a school of the Brothers) ,while the participants proposed what to do in order to” support the brothers” and to  organize  a “gratitude Day “ towards their former teachers  and at the same time they wish ”not to  attract a lot of attention” of  the authorities. Mr Ngo Cong Duc uttered these words being hardly appreciated by others : “ Now, let’s refuse to bend our head before the authorities but have them to follow us !” . Knowing that Mr Ngo Cong Duc  was  a former member of the Congress  under the old Regime, but  belonging to the Opposition Side. He was still now appreciated by the present Government.

 Apparently, he seemed to be sincere ,friendly and even “opposite” to  the ideal , the behavior, the way to take action of the communists. He showed me some of his articles against the negative features of the authorities. However, I did not know how true it was .

            The affirmation of Mr Nguyen Huu Tho and the words of Mr Ngo cong Duc would make us  upset about our habit of  expectation with resignation , this attitude was very widespread in the country :  waiting for a Visa of entry to the USA during 12 years; waiting for the planning realization of a neighborhood  required  18 years without building nothing at all; waiting for the order of Br. Superior to move elsewhere cost the life of 5 drowned brothers in 1989; waiting for the given schools back  to restart his teaching-profession since 30  years with “ overconfidence “; waiting for and waiting for again in reflecting on the maxim “ all  come to the end for who knows  waiting for “; It is not time to wait for a “ propitious moment” to act but it is time for all “ rolling up their  sleeve “to look for, create, dare and assume themselves the responsibility of their surviving.

Together and by association, let’s roll our sleeves up .

1-   First, a knowledge of the Vietnamese mentality

The Vietnamese education rested on the first experience done by the child in its own family . It is in it he learns to know the others. It is it which will orient later the style of his social  relationship. The experience of others, acquired in his familial environment, will guide the Vietnamese in his human contacts :


A human being lives of his face,  a tree of its peel,

The wealth is only manure, the face costs thousand pounds

If you see an old man, call him “grandpa “

A little younger, ”uncle”, and someone at your age,” older brother”

If you give a step in to somebody, yourself, you will be  in the offing.

We are understandable that the communication between persons  has, for a Vietnamese a great difference  in meaning from for an European. For  an European to communicate is to transfer a message to someone else .

The stress mark is on the message. While for a Vietnamese, it is a success of a human relationship, a coexistence of two partners who were hardly in the same plan of equality before. The Vietnamese take care of the underlying feelings of the exchanged sayings.


The speech  does not cost anything

Let arrange them in order to be in accord

With the heart of your partner.

The strict logic is a kind of violence. The violence  demolishes human relationship. People  cannot  enforce their ideas on others. Then , we must suggest more than affirm. It is a lack of respect we did towards our partner, even in the domain of love. This old folklore song shows that the lover only reveals his thought indirectly.

Oh boat, after having left the harbor

Do you still think  of it ?

While at the harbor, it persists

On  never forgetting you!

Thus, the Vietnamese educational worry consists of creating this loving relationship with others; once upon a time, living at home, throwing a bridge to the direction of other. The fact he is shocked the most, is  the indifference of  the other.


A very good quality in a Vietnamese is generally the hardworking character, but having no effort to renovate himself ; laborious and dexterous, but no exact acts of evaluating which let him perfect his works. He has settled down well in his new situation  but slow in his transformation and creativity. Likewise, before a VIP, he  humbles himself and shows  stupefied  by the lesser thing. He is rather sentimental than rational, he gives in easily to another instead of fighting for the best part according to predecessors’ instructions :” If you endure yourself once, you will be beneficial ten times “. Being connected by deep feelings more than by legislation , he usually prefers to treat the problems as custom dictates than by law,

” the law of the kingdom is lower than that of the village” says frequently a person before his difficulty. Such defaults sometimes slow down the expected progress.


The Vietnamese people , specially the young is basically the one who loves studying. Not including the schools and universities, the centers of languages are numerous too. In the past, Studying is the way to be mandarin and thanks to it “ all the relatives and family take advantage of it” . Today, 89/168  investigated people are  motivated to get a good place for their future.[2]

Loving studying is a very good quality, it is a chance to promote in life . But, getting ambitiously diplomas at any price  can sow the seed of bad opinion in the Young : they highly appreciate only the diplomat people. As a result, some young  persisted in the belief that not to pursue a professional formation conforming to their capacities . They forgot a proverb saying: “ There is no profession –even the smallest-that cannot nurture  one’s life “. However, a great default of  Vietnamese is  the la ck of discovery , an effort of creativity to find out his own way, to go out off the deadlock . 

Mr Nguyen Hoa[3] , theoretician and literature critic , exposed his opinions at a forum about the subject : ” Who are we ? the Vietnamese laborious but with little  systematic thought .” ,summarized slightly the main characteristics of a Vietnamese.:

“ As human beings, all like saying well of themselves and their community of life. But  when the time changed  and their social relationship became bigger than before , the image of a” well-speaker”  must  face a lot of truths and sometimes brutal truths .



“ The cultural image of Vietnam was first formed by the Confucianism , then by the Buddhism and after that by the European and American culture . If a discussion on this domain was required, I would  affirm that the greatest default of my people  is the laziness and the routine-minded spirit in accepting new ideas, accompanied a jealous routine and honor aspiration. Because of this idleness  we often tended to the auto- sufficiency and easily to the "banalization" of knowledge and  because of the routine-minded spirit,  we often became reluctant to the renewal .Moreover, we  got used to  using our criteria to “ measure”  the others. The jealousy in the manner of “ a countryside proprietor” seemed to be deeply soaked in our mind. In looking at us, I think there was not many people who were able to  get  “ capable and courageous”  to recognize our weakness “.


In his turn, Mr Nguyen Dinh Khoi , vice – president of the General Company of Viettel telecommunication, stated his opinions :

“ The Vietnamese get very good qualities : good workers and particularly very clever. Beside them, bad ones  are not  less numerous. For instance, weak systematic ideas, it is to say they can only see what is in front of their nose, impossible to see a little further  long - term projects, or  the totality.


Today, we cannot go out of the agriculture society yet, so peasants qualities could be marvelous in the old time, became less suitable now . Some mentioned inter alia:  routine-minded  spirit , lack of creative spirit , not being updated , elastic  in daily activities …,weak  planning , haft-finished works, feeble responsibility, thinking only ot his highest profit , using the exciting products but  causing damage to farmers, e.g. never  thinking of the misdeed to the consumers […]”.

Mentioning some of these Vietnamese inherent defaults , I mean simply that  despite having a long formation to the lasallian life, the brothers mentality still remains more or less  influenced by the social issues .


2-   Factors which influence on education 

a-      The 150th member   of  WTO[4]


On November 5th , the delegates of Vietnam , presided by the Minister  of the Ministry of  Foreign Affairs of Vietnam Mr Pham gia Khiem, left Ha Noi for  Geneva (Switzerland) to participate to the celebration of Admission to WTO . Being present there the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce Mr Truong Dinh Tuyen, Mr the chief of the government Pourparler-group of Economy, the Vice-Minister of Commerce Luong Van Tu and the members of the negotiation group …

At the assembly conference of 149 members of WTO, organized on November 7th 2006, the president of the Assembly Eirik Glenne exposed 4 dossiers of  engagement Acts of Vietnam  asking to be a member of WTO, and consisting of reports of  the Working Commission, a copy of Viet Nam engagement in the domain of  goods Customs , agricultural aid  , as well as the exportation itinerary , a copy of engagement in the domain of services and  of the project of the protocol adhesion to WTO . After the dossier  approbation and the accord of all members , at 11:17 Geneva time, be 11:17 Ha noi time, Viet Nam became officially the 150th member of the World Trade Organization  when the president of the session  strike 3 hammer blows. This was a memorable event in the history of Viet Nam, ending then 11 years of proceedings. This event was

both  a chance and a challenge .In this occasion, the general Director of WTO ,Mr Pascal Lamy affirmed  firmly : “ Today, the economy of Viet nam becomes so  important that It cannot be  separated from  WTO. With a populaion of 80 million , at the same row of Germany, Viet nam  confirms  again that his  belonging to WTO is pertinent ” . However, being concious of  the future challenge after this event, Mr Vu Khoan, the former Premier exposed his opinion  before the journalists: “ the unique means  to learn swimming is to  throw onself into the sea “.


            Belonging to the WTO will be a chance to individuals  as well s to  the different enterprises to go up. But, it will be also  a problem for others who  were bankrupt  by bad administration or old technology . These challenges took source from the difference  between  capacities and the exigency of integration . Firstly,the rivalry will be more brutal with many more partners  on a larger  and deeper domain ,between the products of a country and those of productive ones ,the enterprises of the country and those of the foreign ones. Not only in the international market but also in the same country because of lowering  import taxes  from 14,4% to 13,4% during the 3-5 first years[5] . Then, the” repartition” of profits by globalization is not equal . the countries whose economy is low, benefits naturally less. In the same country ,this “distribution” is not equal as well.The risk of  enterprise  failure drags along increasing jobless figures. The trench between the rich and the poor grows bigger and deeper. By integration to WHO in this globalization, the dependence between these countries  increases. The upheaval of the economical market influences also on the one of Viet Nam. The environment, the nice traditional culture will be shaken .


            Thereby,the integration to WTO is both a good chance and  a challenge to face. Getting the best part from the chance  will make a steady position  and a force pushing all challenges . If, on the other side, these challenges became  overwelming ,this opportunity will be lost. They will be transformed into permanent difficulties and impossible to overcome .


            China integrated into WTO for  nearly  5 years (11/12/2001).How did we evaluate these 5 past years and the coming years ? Mr Wang Jong  said : “ After these 5 past years , China had changed  positively in different manners.The concept of the economic market,the free commerce and the investment were deeply  soaked in the people mind. The most important thing was  the chinese population accepted largely the basic concepts of WTO such as : official declaration, responsibility of explication  on the part of the  authorities , national politics to treat the people well. For example, the inside private companies , thanks to the support of journalists and scientists making pressure on the decision makers , were treated  equally now  between the government or foreigners. In 2004, the Constitution of China was modified ,concerning the concept of owners and the human right .The people  participated more to the politics planning than before, under cetain degree, thanks to  newspapers which often issued comments about  the government politics ,allowing the citizens to discuss them.Moreover, the government offices published the law projects or the prescriptions to the people to aske them for remarks and organized also meetings to publish explicative reports and invited also other companies to join them. All these breakthroughs taken place  during the first 5 years  after China had joined to WTO, seemed to support the explication  from which  economic opening helped  strengthen  the feature “open”.


Let’s remark that the 5-year evaluation joining to WTO did not base on the Economy but on the existing prescription renovation as well as on the personal concept. Is this the key of results in the economy field ? If there were not these transformed views, would China reunite  required conditions for a more and more prosperous production ? The response is clear. It needed only 5 years to make China overpass  Britain “ getting the 5th row  in the World  Economy, the 3rd row  in Export after the USA and  Germany.From 2001-2005 , the commerce increased  on the average of 29%  yearly .The general amount went to US 1 400 billions in 2005.

The cash balance  got up almost one  US billion . Nowaday, the US obligation Value of treasure went up to 257 billion  USD at the end of  2005” [6] .


WTO is really a” big game” .There are always prices to pay. What are then the VIP ‘s reactions facing this great event ?

- Mr Nguyen Duy Hung, president of the administration council of  Saigon Value Company : being worried, I wondered why one always thinks the integration to WTO shows preference for other countries to rush to ours  but not for us who move forward ouside ?

- Mr Truong gia Binh ,General director of FPT Company : The Vietnamese firms  must  outface a decisive  competition concerning the source of  human force. The joining to WTO indicates also the copyrights are certified. Before, lots of big firms refused to invest inside the country where  copyrights are not respected ,including Vietnam.

- Mr Vu Viet Ngoan, General Director of Vietconbank:  The joining to WTO requested  all the firms ,including Vietcombank, to run  in accord with the international criteria  but not with these of Viet Nam . This is a big shock  for the commercial banks of Viet Nam among which Vietconbank must hurry up quickly the speed of renovation.

- Mr Tran Phuong Binh ,General director of  the West Asia TMCP bank : We know the foreign banks paid  specially attention to the retail selling market because, with a population of 80 million  inhabitants ,there are only 5 millions getting  an account in banks. I think, in 5 years ,the vietnamese banks  will  get  the sufficient resource for an equal competition with the foreign ones.


Mr  Vo Ta Han, MA in commercial administration,Massachussetts University in 1973, USA , living now in Singapore,member of the  Administraton Committee,University SIM, advisor of the Swiss UBS AG bank in Singapore  confided to the Newspaper Thanh nien (The Youth),in this memorable event :


-          What are the ‘’good fruits”  we got and the price we paid for the integration onto the WTO ?


= According to the documents on the expriences of the countries  just  “ coming into play”, immediately after joining the WTO, It seemed to be, the first stage in their field  encountered lots of difficulties. In the first years ,they all felt  the so high price to be paid. In these first years, the State as well as the commercial organization of the contry seemed not to be ready, and still always staying  under the phase of preparation, what the specialists considered as  lacking of information. With the commitment towards the WTO, the ways to the market had to be changed  a lot in  both fields : some  will be closed again while  lots of new ways  will be opened…


-According to you , what must we do to avoid such a rut  appearing in other countries ?


= Besides the cadres, the competent branches  concerning the WHO, an organization of sessions is necessary to divulgate widely information and  a more coherent collaboration between the influenced members in the country by WHO. We must also  study seriously practical experiences from  preceding countries and territories such as : Nepal ( became a member of WHO in May 2004, Cambodia (in October 2004),China (in December 2004). In the coming days, the world  will pay attention to Viet Nam and evaluate the degree of trust  towards us based on our realization of our commitments. In integrating into WHO, the mass of  merchandise production  and the suppliers service first met lots of “storms” because  they must face big waves repeating while enormous rival foreign countries  landed in Vietnam. In spite of  big influences of these branches ,the government must  aimed at the agriculture  mass for it is the main domain of our people. The coming way will encounter surely lots of challenges , but from now we could enjoy our new success.

-Let’s listen to Mr Pham Duc Binh in Dong Nai, so called “ King of pig-raiser in Viet Nam” :

” We must build great ships and go to the open sea” . In 1989 , getting from his father  800 head of pigs , Pham Duc Binh  raised it to 20 000 in a 12 hectare-farm. Today , he brings up only female pigs for production. This livestock  goes to 1500 .


-          Being a raiser, what is your reflection on this event, the integration of VN into The WHO ?


= Like all Vietnamese, I  am  delighted about it. It is a chance or a fortune, I dare not to discuss anything. Let’s the specialists evaluate it . Being  a raiser, I reflected  a lot and felt so anxious for the future of raisers whom I am. During these three last years, chickens  and pigs  epidemic are not controlled yet. The consequence ? the consumers must buy them with high price, several times we must import chickens while pig raisers took a risk of failure in mass because the selling price is always  under from 20% -30%  of the cost price. It is sufficient only 3 or 4 similar deficits  to make raisers lose the game. They are kidding :  “nowadays pigs do not eat bran but …soil !” because  lots of them sold their land to pay off  by pig raising.


- Another event happens after the integration into the WHO, chickens will be imported in large quantity from Thailand with a very low price from 0.8 -1 USD while China, getting over 60% of the world pig breeding, is a very big threat to North VN in this domain. And we preview if our raising career ” dies “, many others in agriculture will survive hardly ,too.


- Thinking so, don’t you and other raisers hope  the open market ?


= Why not ? The problem is how to understand it and how  we can or cannot get the best thing from this chance . As I noticed that  lots of raisers  will risk  a failure, however they are all private small rearing. It is really painful  but we have to accept it in order to proceed a restructuration which means a concentration by  enlarging on rearing in a real  industrial way.


Today, small and private rearing get  90% in South and 97% in North VN .The most limitation of this type of rearing is to follow the movement or to imitate the neighbors without a previous  examine of the market needs. When the price turns down ,the majority of them wait for a raising price, without thinking that, the more people keep them, the more expense of food increases.




-According to you, what can we do to make the rearing in VN develop in a steady and consistent way?


=Our rearing must assure 5 basic elements : the area of rearing, the technology, the food,  the slaughter system, and the consumption market, […]


According to Mr Pham Duc Minh, the estimation of the total pig livestock in the whole VN got to 27 millions. But , for the specialists ,there is only 30% of these from good race .The 70% left (20 millions)  are from local race , bad quality. A good race piglet  costs 4-5 USD , is equivalent to 10 others of bad race. So, 20 million of bad race pigs are only worth  2 million of good race. The total of  a 27-million livestock is equal to a 9-million of good race which requires the same time and the same expense of food for a livestock of 27 millions. So the weak productivity is evident.


“ The globalization is not a recent phenomenon. According to some analysts, the economy was globalized 100 years ago.”[7] But, the word “globalization” was currently used in the 80s , that is  since the technical progress made  realizations  easier  and faster”. Being a developing country ,with a low- level economy,Viet Nam is  outfacing to the world relationship which overpasses  those of our borders .In reality, the event of globalization was only broken up in VN during these two last decades , since the “ renewal in 1986 “ ,but its influence spread quickly as well as its  opposition in concept : some  enjoyed  from a “ benefit processus”, others  were “hostile” to this processus, even  anxious about it , they estimated it hightened the disparity in the center of the country and between themselves, threatened  employments and the level of life and held up the social progress”.[8] The globalization is considered as an “open “ phenomenon taking action in a long way with a complex course and full of surprises .Willy-nilly,this globalization of economy is a general tendency to which VN, being in the course of these changes , could not stand up because of the development of the force of production and the market economy, pushed by the fast progress of science and technology.

            The globalization can be considered  as a match, a game : those who are clever win more than lose  while those who are less  lose more than earn . And it seems nobody earns all or loses all. The unique case that one loses all is when one turns in oneself, when one shuts the door, pushes away the globalization, refuses the integration : then one kills oneself, isolated and marginalized. It is evident the globalization is a great opportunity but also a big hidden challenge . Refusing it means also escaping from difficulties or giving  up before facing it. It will be a great failure.

            It is clear that, however that may be , the process of the globalization  has an effect on the development of VN, if it would like to ” make friends” with the world.  Let’s  not forget the situation of VN in 2000, with  “ 92,7% of farmers who have  no professional formation and being jobless during 5-6 months a year[9] .( Only 2 seasons in VN : rainy season and dried season. In general, the dried season, hot and arid ,is not compatible to agriculture). Some areas in the Delta of Mekong River flooded from June to November. The people had to look for a work besides agriculture. The GDP[10] per inhabitant  of VN  in 2000 was equal only to “1/5 of that of Thailand” . And the” Statistics of Canada” ,VN was classified the “125th row of 163 countries”[11] . Also, the Statistics of “World Bank “ , the GDP per inhabitant in Indonesia increased and it doubled every 2 years. For Korea, it needs only 28 months to double the GDP per inhabitant while in VN, during 13 years (1986-1999),the GDP increased only 1,55%, this to say VN must need 20 years to get the double of GDP per habitant.


            These few figures showed the great challenge to overpass and the people of VN must plan a strategy to get over. If not, VN will be submerged in the flow of globalization or  threw out of the world development.

Because, from this fact, the exchanges and financial markets are more and more integrated, an overlooked reality leading to rival conditions which required economical standards, however that may be, the developing countries  including VN must follow. Among these norms , there are criteria of the production quality. On the one hand, VN as well as other developing countries must get a certain  level to be able to state and integrate into the common market; on the other hand ,VN must know well international status , capable to elaborate laws complied with the world norms that VN seems to be feeble, in order to attract foreign investments.

            Like in the majority of developing countries , VN in the last decade  made its industrialization and modernization  progress. But, knowing that the development does not consist of quick construction of skyscrapers  and infrastructures such as : roads of communication ,airports, posts ,…all are certainly necessary to the industrialization and modernization. For, to build roads, ports, modern bridges of high quality with reasonable  expense , it must first “ modernize  the person and the political institutions” .

            Obviously, it is a long term work, and it is impossible to change overnight the routines, concepts, and behaviors of a society , especially those of a country where the percentage of  agricultural works getting a so high place compared with workers in the whole country: 73%. So, the psychology of farmers, petty, local and incoherent concepts  remain full of significance to lots of levels in the  countryside life  and the city as well. To renew radically the way of living of the entire society sleeping for a long time in an outdated  agrarian economy required an audacious policy and solutions both courageous and creative which were looming since some years, especially  in applied computing science and in telecommunication. However what attracted our attention the most is the knowledge of the “ applied computing science revolution” being already advanced in development. But, it is not only the one of  technology, mechanics , computers, or velocity… but also first this  must be a “ revolution of concepts”[12] . To integrate then to the globalization economical market,VN must actualize its scientific knowledge on the one hand, and its new concepts, new  standard initiatives on the other hand, about the management of production, the organization of social activities, the relationship without discrimination with different religions in the country and foreign partners. The important thing is the total adapted policy that must integrate the introduced elements by the following services of FMI ( International Monetary Fund ):


“-precautions aiming the macroeconomic stability in order to create propitious conditions  to investment and Savings.

“-measures centered on overseas to promote efficiencies by a raise of exchange and investment .


“-structural reforms to encourage the competition on the national territory


“-strong institutions and an efficient  government  to assure a good management of public affairs


“-precautions in education, in formation , and in research and development to stimulate the productivity


“-a management of outside debt which helps mobilize sufficient ressources  for a durable development”[13]


In fact,the globalization and integration to WHO are only a double face phenomenon. Participating to the globalization and realizing the integration to WHO are two different ways to express an enterprise, a process of unification, it is  a difficult way ,said time and time again the former VN Premier Pham van Dong :


“ We are  being on the path without card. However, this thought of Loâ Taán, a Chinese philosopher ,is worth to be also taken and meditated : “ by nature, the land has no path, but with the time the human tings and forgings  formed it”. Thus, the Vietnamese people required to  derive profit from their intelligence, their personality and their professional conscience during this new period of history without being capable  to overpass the revolution of concepts.


            “ Accepting the challenge to get big chances”, it is the  great message of Geneva. After belonging to ASEAN then to APEC and to ASEM, and now to WHO, Viet Nam showed his people  will  to integration. The accepted and recommended challenges to Geneva, the Viet Nam must discern them  to stand face to face it.


            For the question “ globalization” : must we  enjoy it or  be anxious about it ? The services of FMI have a survey quite thorough to respond to these  practical questions : -what is globaliztion ? growth without preceding and increase of disparities: the tendencies  of the income in the XXth century; the developing countries : integration level; the globalization increases the poverty and the disparity? How can  the  poor  fill in more quickly their lateness? ; Does the globalization penalize  the workers  of the advanced poor countries?  Are periodical crises  an inevitable consequence of the globalization ? Role of institutions and organizations. However, the conclusion remains a little pessimistic : “ As  the globalization got forward, the life level ( especially when it was measured by global indicators) was noticeably improved in almost countries .Nevertheless, the best results  were obtained by advanced countries and  only by some developing countries”. Evidently, willy nilly the Viet Nam  was already mingled with the rhythm of globalization with his good and bad features . But, like a certain bishop compared the globalization  to a fresh wind  that brings us  good things, we must open widely all the doors to  enjoy it fully by accepting a few mosquitoes arriving at the same time.


c-Restructuration of PARC

PARC is the abbreviation of “ Pacific Asia Regional Conference” . Since  some thirty years , the brothers living in the Asiatic countries  and those being in Australia would like to approach closer in order  to help each other by creating a Conference named “PARC” , composed of Australia, India, Pakistan ,Philippines, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Hongkong, Malaysia and Viet Nam . Once a year, the brothers Provincial and presidents of Delegation and Sub-districts  gather together for the survival and animation of PARC. This year, the PARC 30 will be in India from 23-26 of January,2007.


Sine PARC 29 in 2005, the participants approached the topic of  PARC restructuration. The goal aimed is to hurry the establishment of  one or two Districts in the  Asian pacific region to Support the countries  in financial difficulties and to, if possible, share the personnel . The PARC 30 of 2007 found  2 Models to submit to the General Counsel in Rome.


d-Advantages and challenges of this Restructuration

i- Advantages

1. It is an effective way to make increase the vitality and the vitality of all sectors, particularly in the field of Mission.


2-Providing the brothers an effective way to combine these constitutive elements .


3-Seeing more clearly the needs of Sectors in the District, particularly their  demands of resources

( financing and personnel)


4-Providing a more big flexibility to respond to the needs of the Mission of the entire District .


5-Having a bigger capacity to get at the required perfection for the Formation of all brothers and lay partners.


6-Promoting the interdependence  and the reasonable distribution of ressources.


7-Providing a better usage of capacities of direction .


8-Avoiding the isolation of some sectors.


9-Providing an effective way to feeble Sectors  in ressources in order to get  the self-sufficiency .


10-Simplifying the structures and number of people required by the administration.


11-Promoting the duty towards the District and the Institute.


12-Optimizing the ways to take decisions .




13-The new structures are not  an end in itself , but  a stage in the process of restructuration.


14-Small Sectors could be dominated by the big ones.


15-The members of the Counsel of Alliance and Counselors of District asked a deep assurance of co-responsibility and subsidiarity.


16-The insecurity of some Brothers  in relation to this change .


17-Learning how to communicate by an appropriate common language .


18- Combining the Counsel of Alliance and Counsels of the District  like  the new existence in the Institute.


19-Finding the financing to subsidize all the requirements of new structures.


            iii-Basic principles of the New District


The basic principles of the New District  will be : co-responsibility,subsidiarity,interdependence and solidarity.The authentic process of the responsibility assures that these principles  are decreed  entirely.


20-The  clauses of the Rule may be applied to all decisions of Brother Visitor and of the Counsel of District.


21-Special delegations  are sent to Sectors or to people in charge (or counselors)  of the Sectors.


22-The Counsel of the Sector  communicates the local objectives and the needs.


23-The Counsel of District pays attention to the needs of all the Sectors.


24-The District assures that each Sector takes care of the age and the health of each brother.


25-The Brothers stay at their present Sector and are designated of assignation by virtue of their own Responsible of the Sector.


26-All removals of Brothers towards Sectors  are done after consultation in person of the brothers and of the Responsible of the Sector.


27-The District puts the same level on the initial formation.


When examining the advantages and challenges and the basic principles of the restructuration,the existing Districts ,Sub-districts and delegations have 2 options :


a)      1st  Option: composed of 2  stages : Alliance considered first as a transition towards a new District. The Sector of this choice is comprised of  :Hong Kong,Malaysia, Singapore,  the Philippines, Myanmar and Indonesia.

b)      2nd  Option : consists of these countries : Australia,( New Zealand, Papua, New Guinea, ) India,Japan,Pakistan,Thailand.


There are 2 countries left  having no choice yet : Sri Lanka and Viet Nam . They assure to give their choice in the shortest delay .


Before, the Brothers of Viet nam showed their opinions less favorable to this restructuration , with the reason “  seeing nothing good “ or  even “ we risk to lose our identity as District”. Personally speaking,I realize also lots of occurring difficulties to overcome . However, it may be  a chance  of promotion for our young Brothers in their professional , pedagogical , administrative and spiritual life. Beside , willy-nilly, we cannot stand apart in front of this wave of globalization.


3-Impact on Education


Approaching the big phenomenon of globalization and the integration to WHO,I do not try to define what is the globalization or to do a survey  on this most complex problem. But the global influence of this historic fact,especially  on Education, obliged me to do a short study on the advantages and the challenges in order to get a social  re-insertion appropriated to the future . Beside, the audience given to the Premier Mr Nguyen Tan Dung by the Pope is the source of hope of the catholics for  a more authentic liberty  of Religion.


            In reallity, to be integrated economically  to the globalization, the Viet Nam must have a great force of administratively qualified workers to lead the high technology and  other organizations related to the economy in order to stand at the same level of that of other countries in the world. This demand became the first priority in Education at schools.But, the education of knowledge considered as the Centre helping the joung find their position in the society, is not sufficient , because the  development of the country is not restricted to that of  the technology and to the Economy or the change of structures. It must also go with the young in the process of personalization  thanks to the formation of  human qualities. In fact, education needs to make the young generation face up to the challenges of a consumption world and  an individualism as  we analysed it in Part II about the degradation and the trivialization of  human qualities among the young and teachers.Without it, the future decayed generation will be incurable.


a-    Responsibility of adults

In the 2nd  PART,we studied on the situation of the youth and the vietnamese education today.Those who were anxious about the future of this present youth, felt worried with their everyday negative manifestations in the life .I may summarize them in a few   major points :


i-        Youth without appropriate orientation


The young today get lots of necessary means to promote in life.But  few ones aimed for a higher goal than the consumption and the Job .Since the reunification of the country,the young vietnamese have been  educated  in socialist schools with the choice of communist ideal as their reason of existence and the logic of materialism and atheism as criteria of thought, exactly like their predecessors during the time of Protection and Reconstruction of the country.


However ,this ideal can not persuade the young today and they  are sceptical for several reasons. Their parents  do not give them good examples. A great number of them was considered as  heroes by accepting easily miseries, sacrifices in favor of their offspring, become now the very rich  by  means of little honesty.They  have a luxurious life by robbery  public money rising to million of dollars…[14] .

Moreover, the schooling or family education did not satisfy the youth aspiraton which needs  love, advices, confidence, accompaniment to be well oriented. The following extract from these letters to a Brother is a strong token of this thirst:


“Being one of the most brilliant schoolgirls of  my class at Le Qui Ñon high school[15] , I got  and yet 3 times in succession mark 6 for the 3 main subjects : Maths,Physics,and Literature , this made me so  miserable.I did not understand why I got these bad marks though I did seriously and meticulously the revision and that I understand comoletely the lesson. Yesterday I announced this bad news of marks to Mother,she  scolded me longly with these words : “Try yourself to  study seriously.Fortunately you got good marks in the first Semetre,if not, I would not let you go to school and you would stay home  to cook and to do the housework.Your 2 brothers are not good  at studies but I would let them continue theirs  even to  get away from the military Service while you, you are a girl, you are exempt from this.Your father and I, we do not want to lose money to get in exchange  a “ pretty Well “ mention. I am completely desolated a this.”


Since my childhood,my mother has never paid attention to my inside state but only my material life.She has never known that I have to search by myself for a long time a pertinent and adequate behavior . She was not even conscientious that I lost an entire year to read all the collection books “ the sublime hearts” and it is me who manage to buy them instead of getting informed of these recommendations by mother . I do not understand what she would like. People told me that “ the happiest moment of my parents is the day when they see I  get a good place in the society”. But, it seems that my mother does not think so. She  only aims the 4  traditional qualities of a Vietnamese: Skillfulness ,grace, politeness , good behavior throughout my words, my behavior, my relationship. She never asks me “ Why are you sad? Tell me what happens to you, may be  I can help you ? “. Really speaking, I do love my mother very much. Every time she is sick, I sit on the side of her bed to take care of he; when she has difficulties, I always try to hel her. She often  congratulates me in front of others. It is thanks of these conflicting points that  I do not understand my mother and I wonder if really she loves me . Since my childhood, I has missed her love ( I think so ) ; and now I am completely exhausted. I am bored with the endurance, the false appearance during these last years. What can I do to recover my personality ?


iii- influence of the globalization

Throughout the Internet,the multimedia and also by the young of the  foreign countries and those original from vietnamese,the rich young of the country, learned  the consumption life and the libertinage,without  knowing and having possibility to take what real ideal ! This lack of ideal appears mostly in young people who are not anxious about their future  or their building future. They live only for  the present time,without being worried about what could be harmful to themselves,to their family,or to the society. They spent overnight  in the Karaoke  rooms to have freely use of ecstasy… What was  described in Part II and that was the  living testimony of this phenomenon.


iV- Severe griefs : problem of trivialized morality , human qualities at fault in society

During some 30 years, the young have learned to live the socialist  ideal at school. But ,the day when this ideal  is lost  and is no more persuasive , normally the moral life ,the human qualities have no place. By lacking of these basic qualities of  human beings, a great number of young trivialize  the laws, violate them  easily, do not consider seriously good traditions, watch in secret  unhealthy films . ..According to the Report of the national commission of prevention of HIV, published on Nov 5th 2002, the discovered drug addicts had already the number 112343 individuals, 70% of which are under 30 years,and this number increases year after year. The given number from the national commission  manifests  only the ones sent to the  re-education camps, voluntarily or forced  while the real number of those who live in secret in society is much higher. The one of infected people by HIV was quite high: 147 000 cases in 2002. The majority of  them are too young yet. In the estimation of the VN Ministry of Medicine ,in 2005, there were 197 000 infected ones. Some of these girls worked in  Cambodia (27 000 ) have an age  of 14-18 years old[16] .


Some where else, the number of  pregnant girls increased more and more. Each year, there are about 1 million cases of abortion and 3000 of which are of minor  age and 10% of which  are infected by virus HIV. Moreover, people who committet infractions are also younger and younger, more and more numerous . How can we remain indifferent when facing this sign of decadence of the whole youth without participating to the reconstruction of the society ? One can see in the  annexe  the photo of a cemetery thousands of officially aborted human beings in Nha Trang. Enven so,they are  being already taken a human form . To show respect to these little beings,volunteers  with the help of a certain  nurse in the hospital  came some times a week  to recuperate them  for a burial on this hill. (photo, p.480)


On the other hand,the chinese philosopher Koueng Tsu ( 4th B.C ) defined Man as : “ a man is he who has a human heart “, but in chinese this word means also :” the Love for  one’s neighbor “ . In other words, he who does not have a human heart , is not dignified to be called human  being. It is clear that , in accordance with the analysis of Part I  about the youth today,the Vietnamese society realizes day after day the lost of the most precious , the most important thing to become a man, the moralistic principle ( love of one’s neighbor) . Being lost the Morale, the man becomes  in spite of oneself  selfish, naughty , and committing all kind of  crimes such as  to steal, to cheat, to kill, to sell “white substance”… and  beside, to  siphon off, to ransack public deniers of the government and people… when the adults live such a manner what do the young think of ? they cannot live  some other way .


The phenomenon  of non-orientation  and unideal young seems to be contagious and  widely spread.They do not aim at other things but  the consumption and snobbism even the depravation : dependence on heroism , ecstasy,  crazy  unbridled motor racing , excessive sexual relations , easy abortion at minor age…these are all priority . It is such a decadence of the global moral that causes heartbreaking pain to all  who are anxious about the future of the country. In approaching the subject of trivialization of human qualities and the Vietnamese people tradition, it seemed that some people complained of it ironically: “ You are too  old!” . In fact, my french teachers repeated several times : “ If the young knew,if the old could”. The world  belongs to everybody .The society is composed of adults  and young people . In this  vista, the father  Timothy  Radcliffe, the former Superior of the Dominicans , wrote in  a very simple  but  most profound : “ If in a community , there were only superiors who decided eveyrthing , the Charity could not exist there : If  there were only savants who  governed it, the community would be transformed to a ridiculous  accademy ; If there were only the old  who ruled it, the community would not have any future; If there were only young responsibles , it could be lost roots “. The importance thing is then that each one has his place,his work and  brings his contribution to the common functioning .


4.In which position is the Brother at this situation of the Globalization ?

Facing this negative situation of the youth,being Brother-educator , we must wonder this question : “ What can we do ? which goal do we aim at ?” .Ways are opened in front of us : more than a thousand of orphans , 300 000-400 000 of  agent orange victims, alcohol dependents and drug addicts , young prostitutes ,street children, infected  people by the virus HIV/AID, rejected by their family, over 4 million immigrants  50% of which are analphabets , young who abandon schools on the way. We do not list here a great quantity of young who leave their village to towns  hoping to get a job there. From that emerge all kind of social  calamities.


Parents and adults, we are called to take in charge this youth, the future of the country and also of the Church. We must do our best to help them go out of the shadow of life : introduce them an ideal of life,and encourage them to live fully as a person.We could collaborate with volunteers ,other teachers,writers,even with artists to help the young build their life as well thanks to the culture and art…


The more sollutions in politics and economy  are difficult the more responsibles must require their putting in place, without staying to wait for “ the propitious moment”, otherwise it is too late to cure it .


But, before giving  asolution to the question what the Brothers can do today, let’s have a look over their present situation:


a)      their number in 2007


i)        District of VIET NAM

- Communities : 22

- Presence in 8 dioceses in South Viet Nam


ii)   Total number   :    98  ( including the novices )

      - perpetual vows  :    71

      - annual vows    :   21

      - Novices        :    4

      - Postulants      :    9


iii)                Age                            


The number of Brothers in 2007 got to 92. there is nothing to be comparable    to  the recrudescence of other congregations in Viet Nam. However, it is also an encouragement  for  a lay institute, located in a socialist country where the mentality of  the people  estimates the clerical life much more than the lay religious one. Although the age average still remains  a litle high ( 53,9 years old),16,3% of the Brothers  are  40-49 years old and 25% from 30 to 39, promises a future  relatively optimist.


































Number of Brothers



iv- intellectual and cultural ressources


Facing the event of the globalization, somehow, the Brothers must look for a path to insert themselves to the world of education, either by opening a general teaching school or  all other services of education . A quick view on the present situation about the personnel of the District can help the responsibles orient the young to the intellectual and pedagogic formation[17] ,74 brothers  showed  on this list were born after 1942.Those who were 65 years old , and those who are still in good health  to work or to assume some charges during 5 coming years, are  8  ones.This is the category 1. The brothers in activity belong to the category 2, born  between in 1949 and 1978, take the highest place :44 brothers. The 3rd  category is composed of the brothers in formation  at the scholasticats ,those who  reach the mission in 3-4 years : 10 brothers. The Novices and Postulants still go on their formation during a long period , over 5 years of probation, are put in  4th category.They are 12.Their level of studies is a little feeble :30/74  finished their university studies and there are only 17  who got their diploma in pedagogy. The Notes sent to the District Chapter  manifest this lack of formation: “ inactive  in working, no creativity Spirit… not understanding clearly the educative sense about the taking care of boarders and the youth, no attention to  deepen the youth psychology : the rattan is the main means of correctionThis  anxious share from a young brother is  seen as  a hurrying call to the formers of the Institute : “ I was not well prepared in pedagogy for teaching. I would like to work in the firms .” !



b ) Lasallian identity still confused


 There are two distinct generations  among the brothers: the old generation is composed of the brothers before 1975 and the “ young generation” , after  1975, more exactly  after  a long  interruption 1975-1992. Educating throughout schools is deeply integrated  into the mind of those  in the old generation . This  made them  hardly change their total concept in the sense of an education outside the school. The “young generation”, on the contrary, not knowing the Past of the brothers , have heard  speak vaguely of their Mission but  not understanding lot of it at all . This is why  a written Note sent to the District Chapter :” Lots of Brothers , after so much time living in different houses of formation, do not know  clearly what is the Mission of brothers ! So they have such a bored life, not paying attention to the present and so humble activities  of the community, having illusions on the search of  what is affected elegant  well known by people”. In the same way, the majority of communities  devoted themselves to the preoccupation of boarders. This is a favorable environment for both education and finance  in a situation where one cannot do anythingelse. Despite these visible  advantages  from the care of boarders ,some young brothers  showed their repugnance and fear to be sent to a community having a boardinghouse.They do not know then the real meaning of their work in preoccupying the interns ,the young …This fact  leads them to the “ nonchalence”, the working for the form, without any creative mind, any initiative …”, expression  showed in another Note sent to the District Chapter in 2007.


c ) Share Mission or Association for the  educative service of the poor.


This reality exists since the origine of the Institute of the Christian Brothers taking roots at the moment where “ John Baptist de La salle and 12 of his companions were associated  to consecrate their life to the christian education of the  poor children” [18] But this topic was only approached significantly since the last 40 years following the 39th General Chapter ( 1966 ) and brought moreover  a quite particular  attention to christians who committedfor their brothers and sisters and that wanted to do it today in the “ areopagus” of the modern World ( AC 96-97) [19].

“-The 39th  General Chapter  recalled to the Institute that “ the  orientation to the poor  is integral part of the finality of the Institute” (Declaration 28.2).The Association of Brothers is located there as  response to this exigence. The Brothers take it in conscience but the partners will do themselves  this progressive  dicovery as well ;


“-The 40th General Chapter  (1976)  gave a large importance to this  association vow by a serious study of origines. In the same time the first members of Signum Fidei  made their consideration;


“- The 41st General Chapter (1986) addressed to the lasallian Family, marking the manifest  gratitute to thousands people who contributed to the Mission;


“- The 42nd  General Chapter ( 1993)  approached the topic  of the Share Mission and  Partners.


This vocabulaty comes back quite often in the documents of the Institute,especially in the Pastoral Letters of Brother  Superior in 2000-2007;


-          Visage of the brothers today – the centrality of our 4th vow,[ of association]  (2000)


-          Being brothers in community – Our first Association (2001)


-          Associated to the God of  life -  Our life of Meditation  (2002)


-          Associated to the God of the Poor – Our consecrated  life to the God of the Poor – Our consecrated life under the light of our 4th  Vow ( 2003 )


-          Associated to the God of the Kingdom and the kingdom of God – Ministers and servants of the Verb  (2004)


-          Associated to look for God together, follow Jesus- Christ and work for his Kingdom ( 2005)


-          Associated to the God of History, our itinerary of Formation  (2006)


The 44th  General Chapter  took place on April 30th and ended  on June 2nd  2007  and the 111 capitulants wanted to say to everyone brothers and lasallian collaborators  ” the whole place you took and kept in our heart ,our thoughts,and our choice” [20] . The Brother Superior Alvaro re-affirmed “…that the community is the first  association of Brothers” . An article yet intitled “ Associated  for the Lasallian educative Mission” was published in the Bulletin of the Institute in 2005, N0 250 at the same time  a DVD intitled “ Together and by Association for the educative service of the poor ”  in the offing of this preparation of the 44th  Chapter,being “ a constant reference” for the capitulants’ work  .And more than a reference : “ the General Chapter accepted and adopted  this REPORT ( attached in the international Assembly 2006) for the  Institute of the christian Brothers”. This is so the Lasallian  collaborators  ” were constantly present to exchanges and orientations we (capitulants) had taken.”


To help understand better the signification of the Association, Brother  Edwin Artegea presented the schema

Of “ Cercles of Association”[21] in Rome on the September 25th  2006. The Association , according to him,” may be presented like a circle, living element that assures the exixtence and cohesion of the Christian Brothers and their associates, at all degrees , for the mission that God  confided in them

The big circle , by the author, being the vital ambience , has the word “ Asso –cia –tion”  and includes 3 basic aspects, symbolized by 3 cicles: the first circle “ expresses  the spiritual aspect of association” ; the second  represents  the vowing and  founding association of Brothers among them ; the third is the  charismatic  association that forms all  into a spherical shape, brothers and lay collaborators called “partners” today.


            The lasallian partners  increases years after years  among brothers . In the Philippines, for intance, in 2004 there were only 40 brothers but the partners  are 4 900 members . For the brothers  arer  more and more older and the new vocations  lacked, 97%  of the brothers’ works  are assumed by Partners . In reallity , the brothers collaborated with the lay teachers  in all schools before. However, in the past, all were centrelized on the brothers who  dared not to confide  important responsibilities  to the collaborators and these dared not also to take them on their charge . On the contrary, today  a new concept  replaced the old one. The center of this collaboration is no more the Brothers but the Mission. The Share Mission becomes then essential , alive. Another question appears at the same time: Heritage rights of  estate , relationship between Brothers and  partners, rights to make decision… “ Some  felt to be dispossessed before the “ pervasive”  number of laymen”.[23] And so cautious to be shaken by the “ increasing presence of our collaborators” in our daily activities. Here is a small concret example to illustrate  the depressive feeling : the community of Nguyen Khuyen is composed of 2 Brothers. The director is 75 years old. This community  was transferred  to another place folloing the plannification of the city, Nha Trang, in 2004. During over a year after their  deplacement , these 2 brothers lived temporarily in a miserable thatched cottage , the compensation  money not being sufficient  to build a new small house. The brother director  suggested me to ask a priest of his knowledge in USA for help in order to construct  a Pastoral center for the young. No result ! While visiting this community, a former student of the brothers brought me to see a free sewing- class  for  handicaps run by Ms Trinh, a buddhist  believer .At once, I think of her  possible collaboration with the community of Nguyen Khuyen . Having spoken to brother director, I started doing  approaches  to get the donation for  the construction of  an  apprenticeship center for handicaps. The project was approved  and the building finished  in August  2006 . It was the first stage.The second consisted of opening officially professionel   formation classes  for the handicaps  because we  cannot  do what is contrary to the  Project goal .


A crisis of vocations  brings along a demographic decline  in almost big religious Congrgrations  as in the Brothers, in the world and in VN. This  continues  in the majority of countries in which the number was very high, as in France and Spain. The launching of the “association” movement while Noviciates in Europe were closed  one after another and there was only one left  in Spain. This fact made people comment that , including some Brothers, it was a dying act of the dying person. Realized that  “Association” is not  a threat at all but a gift of God, the 44th  General Chapter chose the “Association for the service of the poor “, as one of its major themes and besides , a committee will study “ The Rule of the Brothers “ to insert  articles on the “Association” .


In Viet nam, since  2002 , the  1st  of January , the “ lasallian partners “  from all provinces where there  are  communities of brothers  gathered at Mai Thon, a retreat house of brothers  at 970 Xo Viet Nghe Tinh Street, Binh Thanh District, HCMC (photo,p.464 ). Normally ,the participants make a report of what they did in collaboration with  the local Brothers , and plan  a project of actions for the coming year . Two big events occurred in the Institute in 2007 : the 44th  General Chapter in Rome in May and the District Chapter in VN in February and in July. “ Being Brothers Today” was the  Theme being elaborated  to prepare  this 44th General Chapter. The objective of the District Chapter  must not be in margin  of the goal of the General Chapter. On the contrary, “ it must be followed  the General Chapter as well in order to  put in use the capitulars’ decisions “ [24] Taking advantages of this assembly of over 150 members  of all ages, we would like  this year to lead them to join the General Chapter  spirit . ( photo,p.481 ). Being present there Brother Coldwel,from Rome, Secretary for the Formation of the Institute gave his impression : “ The assembly of  university students, the lasallian Sisters, the former students and the partners  were then prayed to suggest the means of which  the  Brothers may be brothers better today. Small groups were formed  for sharing ideas and experiences , then these were shared  with the Assembly. One of the key-encouragements was the Brothers  becoming” one” with whom they lived and  practised their ministry “. The majority of participants were young yet , it said that  they knew vaguely the Brothers and their activities  in the past. Their response seemed  authentic and objective with  a little influenced view by the ouside success of the Brothers  in the old time.


What the young today hope from the brothers

- May the brothers be engaged a little more to the ouside activities  instead of only taking care the boarders.

- Goal of the Institute of Brothers : educative service of the poor.The young need a family education to get  a view more human in what is related to the Family.

- The brother must be a true religious: he must live a life worthy of a religious so dignified that others recognized in his person the image of a religious.

- The brother  must be renounced, be true to his vows.

- To have a spirit of faith, engage into the service of the poor : to live for and with the young.

-  A religious having something of spiritual, not being a pure teacher.

-  A credible person to realize the activities , to instruct his disciples to the acquisition of hearts.

-  A psychologist  to help and guide th young.

-  A righteous  brother,specialist and close to the young.

-  A friend of children first before becoming  a teacher.

- He must get a large culture, in particularly general knowledge to respond to the needs of education. Making new one’s knowledge in permanent level in order not to ” Miss the train “ related to the development of the society.

-  He must expertize in a spciality.

-  Young brothers must : be viril -   be integrated quickly into the government  education system.

-  Young brothers who  are not just formed timely yet. So,

·          Lacking of Lasallian Ideal

·          Low level of  speciality

·         Insufficiency of self-confidence

·         Feeble in spirit of  creativity

-          The Brothers responsibles  must be  mature, adult : over 30

-          They must be the agents being able to associate the former students to widen the partnership for the Mission.

-          It is hopeful that the brothers in the old generation  were more familiar with the young and the young brothers  in order to recognize their difficulties and aspirations.

-          To be integrated  with the local authorities , not be afraid of being recognized as religious. Good relationship with the entourage

-          Educating the others required the quality .

-          The young know little about the brothers. Needing the “marketing” the Image of a Lasallian Brother.


Some challenges :


-          Having the courage of not moving back in front of difficulties. Daring to swim upstream.

-          Doing love really the young and not  feeling pity for them .


d-Complex relationship between  the Government and the Catholicism in Viet Nam


In the middle of the people , several  different positions and opinions  concerning the relationship between the Catholicism and the government. The obvious manifested attitudes are visible throughout those who are for and agaisnt : dynamic or indifferent , adherent or hostile .


            For the catholics in VN, especially those who  abandoned all, even their life to escape from the communists in North Viet Nam in 1954  as well as those who had lived peacefully in the South and fought agaisnt the communists  during some 20 years  for a final defeat in 1975. It is difficult to see the communists under a positive angle! Considering the crisis stage of 1975-1985,such a system  pushed the Economy of VN into a situation of complete failure . Meanwhile, the incarceration of the old regime officers , the policy of complete transformation of agriculture into cooperative , the resettling of citizens towards the “ new economic zones “ , the policy of annihilation of the bourgeois class , the strict control of the family booklet , the curriculum vitae and several difficulties related to the religion and congregations….all these made thousands of people lose, especially the catholics, their place in the society. Also, despite risking to be  burried at bottom of the sea, thousands of boatpeople left the country clandestinely just in  an only year .The problems of which the priest  encountered in the organization of their parishes , the limited change of the priesthood and religious, the restricted installation of new religious communities, the controlled admission to seminaries and then to ordination, the authorizations to go out of the country as priests or religious, the confiscations of  ground and catholic schools …etc. : from such events occurring hastily provoked the catholic vietnamese people to reflect seriously on the relationship between  politics and human rights , the role of the government and the people interests and between the catholicism and the system.


In particular,the opinion and attitude of Bishop Nguyen Van Binh, Saigon bishopric, had contributed to alleviate the upside down  situation of the day April 30th,1975 . On the contrary of the emigration of 1954 from the North to the South Viet Nam, this time, the dignitaries of the Church  decided to stay in the country with the people. The majority of congregations reacted the the way: no organization for emigration. Especially, the bishop’s opinion was obviously manifested in his Pastoral Letter in 1980: “ The Conference of the Bishops of Viet Nam  engaged to Live the Religion in the very heart of the People. The vietnamese Catholics  decided to share their life with the people , because this  country is the place  where  they were invited to live as sons of God […] This people is  a community of which God confided us to serve as  vietnamese citizens  and members of the people of God”. However that may be, a somewhat  distrust  is at  the very bottom heart of both, catholics and communists . The possible collaboration required the confidence of each of them for the common interest.



5 Altogether, let’s roll up our sleeves to act


An indian proverb said “  To educate a child , altogether the whole village roll up their sleeves.” Educating a child in the normal situation is difficult , more difficult yet in this situation where the moral is not very appreciated . In 2006, the brothers  celebrated the anniversary  of the first French brothers’ Arrival  in Viet Nam(1886-2006) ( photo,p. 482) .In  the 140 years of presence  process ,the brothers were called  and invited insistently to renew themselves to respond to the needs of the young, in particular the poor  in accordance with the present  situation . One hundred and forty years later ,this invitation  is still always  actual and manifested throughout  the General Chapters and the instructions of  the Superiors . The 44th  General Chapter  which, being more and more conscious of the original Mission of the Institute, had chosen as title

 “ Being Brothers Today” whose one of major subjects  is the Association for the educative service of the poor.Ten years ago, in a Pastoral Letter in 1997,the  Brother Superior John Johnston  wrote : “….being as brothers today , we must give  YESTERDAY up and hold  out against  the seduction of  passive waiting for TOMORROW ” [25] . The Future of the District  is in the hands of  the brothers, rather  in the ones of the young brothers. ” The Institute does not act , WE act ”[26] as written by the former  Brother Superior John Johnston.”It is US who act or do not act :  we, the brothers, each Brother “ [27] Numerous are we to hope to have a ready made recipe . We would like to be able to handle perfectly things  and get a warranty  success . But, there is no miraculous recipe ,or  “ solutions  already made to new questions  asked by the world evolution “ [28]  allowing  without fail  to live fully our mission in such a complex situation of Viet Nam . Living the TODAY is  a better mean to “ prevent  a degradation  in the quality of our consecrated life, a nourished degradation , maybe unconsciously , by dreaming aimlessly and in a fruitless  way either in the past or  in the future” [29].

Living in the society in which ” Believe”  is superstitious , this is  “to go against the human  good sense” [30] . So, difficulties  remain there ,  challenges  at which we must  face always remain constantly. This  permanent challenge is also that of Monsieur De La Salle,our founder ,who  “ incited us  to live the  present  moment , every day of our life, with enthusiasm , with  pride , with joy…[31] ( photo, p.483 ).


Basing myself on this leading  string , I may  present  some following propositions :


a-      Formation of the  Brother’s  Person


Generally speaking, these observations  of the outside people mentioned above, are focussed on the feeble  formation of a Brother  as much in the professional field as in the religious one. In reallity , as we know, the recruitment of new vocation  is carried out  only  since the first  90s  when the Brothers  had  no visible  and  stable works which  could be accepted  by all  as  official  mission of the Brothers ( photo,p.484) .The formation in the Noviciate that, in accordance with the finality of the Institute, was to “ provide a human and christian  education to the young, particularly the poor “[32], seemed to be not enough persuaded because the novices did not see clearly where  could be  fulfilled this mission of education while all our schools are being nationalized (photo,p.485 ).The formation at the Scholasticats during 5 years, continuing it  after the noviciate , was structured  only  since the end of the 90s and focussed on theology without any courses of pedagogy which is the condition for a success of good teachers and educators . However, since a long time the Scholasticats  was called  “ institute of Pedagogy”  in the cycle of brothers  formation . After the Scholasticats, the young brothers were sent to the mission in different communities, without waiting for  anything else.


b-     Some propositions

1- The  formation cycle of a brother is long : 9-12 years. Living in the closed houses, some  felt  like strangers  once they were sent to the mission. Not being able to fit on the new life they found boring in staying with boarders from morning to evening, so appeared lots of problems . Or,  if sent to a region where the visibility is not favorable, the creative spirit will  play its role. A long preparation is required  during the formation time .


            “ The initial formation “ :  the formation cycle of a Brother is composed of :

-Two years at least for the time of  research  in order to understand the lasallian vocation  (aspirant ) and  the solid formation of human qualities ;


-Two years of Postulate, time of deepening and  extended human qualities formation  before taking decision to go into the Noviciate;


-Two years of Noviciate (time of probation ) : first year , study of the Rule and all concerning the life of a lasallian brother; in the second year, the novices were dispersed in different communities for  a land approach during 3 months at least before  their first vows emission;


-Three years of Scolasitcats ,the direct time of preparation for the Mission;


-Three- year training period (stage) in action communities  before the perpetual vows .


            A total of 9 years  plus the time of initial formation. Then, think of again  the formation program of young brothers at the sholasticats to equilibrate the religious and theological formation with that for the mission, aiming then the total development of  the person by means of introducing in their  program of studies, courses of social science , the pedagogy both theorie and practice , all as their equipment  for the future .


-1.1  In all the formation houses : postulancy, Noviciate,Scolasticats, the subjets  have a certain time of stage in different communities to stir up the creative spirit and not to go back before the impasse.

-1.2   At the same time, for putting in use , try to open a practical charity school  for these young brothers ,even in the same territory of the Scolasticats ,this is what  I had proposed  some 10 years  ago.

-1.3    Use especially the first years of aspirants to rectify concepts, behaviors , and good manners which were influenced by  other young in the society, that are not suitable for the religious life.


2-Well “ equiping “ the young brothers  before sending them  to the Mission . may each of them get a speciality with an official diploma responded to the needs of the field of work : teacher of computing science, fixing the motobikes, general teaching ( Maths, Physics ,chemistry,drawing, arts…).But, let’s  keep away from the ambition of bringing something good to the poor we  frequented , on the contrary , It is them who are our true masters. Education is not consist of  giving something but “ more important yet, it  invites us  to be interested in what the young can do  rather than what they cannot do ‘’ [33]


3-      Permanent formation : Sessions of Permanent formation for all levels are published more and more in  newspapers. But, a permanent formation strictly reserved tor directors of the staff of  big  Associations in  Malaysia worthy to emphasize : some of the participants already taught this matter the rest of them got at least  the MA. This is to say  they are conscious of the necessity of having a permanent  formation. Moreover,” in the lasallian tradition, the permanent formation  is a key-point and a priority  reaching even John Baptist de la salle “[34] . All career  must perfect its technics  day after day in the same ascendent direction of the society. One is no more anxious about the round or plain form of the globe but, it is obviously  getting on every minute. So there is no place for those who stay motionlessly, this requires  necessarily the permanent formation for  both workers and companies to which they are employed . Refusing a permanent  formation means also moving backward . Maybe the aptitude is inborn ,but it is developed by the initial formation and then develops itself by the permanent formation . The following definition of aptitude  by Prof. Rothwel, illustrates well the need of permanent  formation :  “ It is to see how are his production ( about a worker ) and his  creativity….”.


·         Organizing every year a session of permanent formation about Pedagogy or on theology, sociology during the 2- week summer vacation .

4-      Centers of professional formation for all – rich, poor, handicaps:  up to now, to open professional Centers seemed easy and encouraged by the  government. It is a hopeful way to insert us  in the education world for the service of the poor.


5-      Being  visible, problem of recruitment of new vocations : In VN, the vocations  are not so lacking in almost all Congregrations that they limited the number of  demands by examining only the graduated dossiers  and moreover an added  competion . At the same time,the young came to the Brothers sporadically for a long time. Why this phenomenon ? A friend – priest  whispered at me  :  “  being brothers required  a true modest  spirit “. It is the prieshood problem he wanted to notice. Apart me, I do not see there a reason that blocks off or  a way without  exit . Before  1975 the District of VN  was the most flourishing in Asia and every year  there were on the average some 15  novices , this because the young saw more or less the way on which their commitment would lead them later. Today, this visible side ceases to exist.The majority of young brothers and aspirants do not come directly  for the first time to the Brothers in order to  understand what is the lasallian vocation. On the contrary, the lasallian congregation is known only after some attempt or failure in other congregations, from which come these humoristic words or sniggerings  of  a few people : The congregation of the Brothers is considered as  a “ garbage can “ . In reality , during these last years, the responsibles  would like to raise the level of knowledge  of young brothers by sending,but quite in vain, to the noviciate only those who  finished their  university studies .


6-      Opening general instruction schools :  the school  is always a “ privileged means “  of the Brothers to live their  vocation . Having been  in the society life  during some 30 years  to look for an exit , I realize that this “privileged means”  is the most  favorable for the brothers’ life. With the schools, the children came to us  to get  education. Without schools, we must go to look for them, gather  them, and  sometimes  it is not favorable at all in the domain of politics , in the limitation of  domestic premises  and  the competence of the brothers as well. For this requires a very creative spirit to see the needs , a courageous tenacity  to be able to stand up  after each  fall ,each failure . With the school ,the young see a little more  clearly the way on which they engage for their future, this can attract elites .


    a)Via a lay person :


Up to now, as a religious,to open a private school is not authorized yet. However, a lay person can  dot it bay other  way, either as an investor or  as an organizer  for the running of the school (photo,p.486 ).In this case, the brothers are considered as his collaborators or members  of the Staff. It is the case of  the private school TRUONG VINH KY in Pleiku,in the Highlands. Evidently, there is a so great risk that aged brothers accepted hardly for fear of the dishonesty ot the person  to whom one confided all the papers concerning the school. Despite such cases , this is an interstice  offered to the brothers to insert officially into the education world. ( photo,p.478 )


b)      Without  a go-between ( intermediary)


Opening directly a private school without  intermediary is proved the most suitable way for the brothers  who are,thus, not dependent on  anyone. The first contact on the part of mine for  some secrete information from  some specialized people offered  a promising way. It would be  no doubt so careful to stay at the side of the poor because “  if we want to reach a development for  both male and female sexes , it is avaisable to refuse  an education for the privileged people ,those who enjoyed  technical colleges  and an education generally public, where innovations and the technology are very far from the children” .[35]


In short, here are  a few goals to aim :


·         Daring to form and to train onself : Priority of  human formation of a brother to become a complete person.


·         Daring  to open eyes : “ to  pay attention to the needs of the youth “ [36]



·         Daring to Dream : “ the ones who have no dreams have nothing  great “ [37] . It must not  let the dreams of Monsieur de La Salle  exhaust along the life .


·         Daring collaborate : to be aware of accepting some  deprivation to live the 4th Vow “ Together and by association for the service of the poor “ (photo,p.487 )


·         Daring to risk : “ great realizations imply to take risks “ [38] .There is no miraculous receipt .” the already made solutions to new questions asked by the world evolution “ [39]


·         Daring to create : not to stay there to wait for a “ favorable moment” .” If the Institute  does not act , we act, we, each brother “. To be creative to despatch current garbages to break what is outdated and what does not  answer to the present situation ; to be creative to find out a better solution, a new means ; to be creative to be able to  profit from old knowledge ,to combine them for a new one. To be creative in order not to be back away before  any difficulties.


[1] Newspaer TUOI TRE (the Youth),No 006/2006, Saturday.Jan.7th  2006

[2] Annexes,p.40,line 1224

[3] Magazine Tri Tue ( Spirit) ,No 8-2006,p.13

[4] WTO = World Trade Organization :Organisation Mondial du commerce

[5] Cf Cong Giao va dan Toc (catolichism and People ),N 1583,16/11/2006,p.13

[6] Magazine Tuoi Tre (The Youth ),No 45-06 (1207),1h8i-n1k2-2006,p.22

[7] F.M.I ( international monetary fund ),the Globalization, to be enjoyed or toh be anxious about ?,April 12, 2000.

[8] Ideme political

[9] TUONG LAI, report  published at the seminar of  NY University,7-11  July,2000

[10] GDP :Gross domestic product.

[11] See text, annex ,p.69.

[12] F.M.I (International Monetary Fund).Must the Globalization enjoy or be anxious about? ,April 12 2000


[13] id

[14] Tuoi Tre magazine ,november 23rd ,2002

[15] Letter from a schoolgirl of  a high school,District 1, HCMcity

[16] Tuoi Tre Magazine,November 11th  2002

[17]  See Annexes,p.67

[18]  Acts of 43rd  Chapter General.

[19]  Acts of 43rd  Chapter General.

[20] Message of the General Chapter to the Lasallian Family.

[21] Lasallian Reflections,N0 19,November 2006

[22] Idem

[23]  Idem

[24]  Rule of the christian brothers,art.129

[25] John Johnston,Pastoral Letter 1997,p.31

[26] John Johnston,Pastoral Letter 1994,p.15

[27] Idem

[28] John Johnston .Pastoral Letter 1997,p.31

[29] Idem p.38

[30] Idem p.59

[31] Idem p. 86

[32] Rule of the Christian Brothers,art 3

[33]Nicolas Campelle,I want to go to your school! The lassallian  Pedagogy in X Xe ,Salvator,2006,p.119

[34] Nicolas CAPELL, I want go to your school! The lasallian Pedagogy in the XXe , Salvator, 2006,p. 35

[35] Niclas Capelle,I want to go to your school! The lasallian pedagogy in the XXe , Salvator,2006,p.33

[36] John Johnston,Pastoral Letter 1997,p.56

[37] Chinese Proverb

[38] idem

[39] John Johnston,Pastoral Letter 1997,p.31